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How to match a file of persons and a file of organizations ?

Hi, I started a free trial about one month ago. I have a question regarding the matching of a list of persons and a list of organizations. Is there a means to match both of them ?

For example, I have an Excel file with 1000 persons details and another file with 100 organizations. If, I first import the 1000 persons what I can do then to match them with the 100 organizations ? 



Official response from

Hi Louis - following up from Jazmine's note below - please email [email protected] for follow up!

"Can you clarify how these people are associated with the organizations? If they work for the organizations, you can simply import the organizations with the people import .csv (in a separate column), mapping the field as "employer".

You may need to do some excel magic to concatenate the two files. If may also help us provide best next steps if you can tell us if the organizations have unique identifiers associated with them."

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