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Background images in Aware Theme

Hi there- I saw the size dimensions for the logo and the featured content slider, but I was wondering if there were header dimensions or background dimensions and if it was even possible to change the background on the Aware theme because of the responsiveness, or would that distort it when it resized?

Edit: I see where we can add a background image- but ideally i'd like to just change the header- for instance, the darker grey bar here:

The current image is 389 x389, but does it have to be repeated, or could we use a longer image 389x (?) and have it still work? What dimensions would you recommend for that?

Official response from

It looks like you've successfully added a background image, which (for reference) can be uploaded by navigating within your Control Panel to Websites > Site Settings > Background image. 

With regard to the dark-gray background color, that is controlled via the theme's stylesheet. If you'd like to edit those colors, you'll need to edit the relevant styles in your Custom Theme.

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