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commented on User Submitted Addresses on Petitions
Since there is a field in the database for mailing address, how could we capture that? Not having the full addresses is a hindrance, and we don’t want to have to chase down people who submit incomplete addresses. How can we bypass the single address input box?
posted 2013-06-25 12:21:31 -0700
commented on Using Background images
Is it possible to add a different background image for certain pages that are all subpages of another? Or would I have to use “if” liquid commands for each slug?
posted 2013-10-11 14:31:42 -0700
commented on Background images in Aware Theme
Hi Ian- I’m actually looking to do it for a different site. I’d like to change that grey bar, which is an image, to another image, but larger. Does that make sense? I don’t just want to change the color- I’d like to be able to have a header bar image.
posted 2013-08-07 13:00:45 -0700