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commented on Importing RSVPs
Just noting that this is really important to me. Right now I have a sign in sheet that was filled out with 50 names. I have to first go and see who RSVP’d, one by one matching their names in the RSVP list, and cross them off the sign in sheet. If i want to double check that their contact information has been updated, thats another step. Then I have to add new people to Nation Builder separately, then manually mark them as attendees. The alternative to this is to type everything into a spreadsheet and import it, and then go into the Event > Attendee page and find each individual to mark as attendee. Its so much of a hassle that its hard to realistically expect organizers to do it. RSVP and Attendee should be a field you can import somehow, or at minimum through batch updating a list.
posted 2016-08-11 21:19:11 -0700