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What is a Sub Nav Page?

I am using Aware theme and my sub pages show all the other subpages in large boxes on the top of each page.  

I found sub nav pages but no option to create them.  Can someone tell me what these are and how to create them?  

I'd also like to know how to remove the large boxes on the top of the pages without losing the drop down in the Nav Bar.

Thank you

Official response from

Hi Lena,

You can make any page a subpage of another by typing the slug of the parent page under the settings of the subpage.



The large boxes that appear on the top of subpages are known as breadcrumbs. They help folks navigate your site and refer back to a page, almost like a "you are here" icon on a directory. You can disable them by removing the following line of code from the layout of your pages. 

{% include "breadcrumbs" %}

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