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commented on Using %Subpage tag, I get "Liquid error: no implicit conversion of nil into String"
I was having this problem just now but figured it out (posting now because I didn’t see the fix listed here). Turns out the quotes in “page_content” entered into my text editor were the open quote and closed quote, which are different than plain old quotes. Maybe I copy/pasted from somewhere, but whatever – the plain quotes did the trick.
posted 2019-01-14 15:51:26 -0800
commented on Get an email when someone sends an email
I’ve been trying to set this up as well. It seems an essential part of paths would be the ability to choose when emails are sent depending on path actions. I’d like the path to send an email to a control panel user when a voicemail gets added to their path.
posted 2017-06-25 19:53:00 -0700
commented on How do I reply to comments?
This official response doesn’t really answer the question. Simply posting a comment on the same comment page is not the same as posting a reply that is attached to the comment, like in facebook and every other social interaction site. There really ought to be a way to respond to comments directly. When I post a comment, does the person who left the first question get notified that I responded to them?
posted 2015-08-30 09:46:23 -0700