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commented on Trying to simply add missing city to existing people
Got it myself. Had to map id, and all of the primary address fields (city, zip, state, add1, add2, add3) and select the overwrite box. When i did it w/o mapping all the address fields those not mapped were written over with blank even though the remaining data was unaffected. Now I need to figure out how to export only those fields required for a mailing!! Uh boy….
posted 2016-01-19 13:28:33 -0800
commented on Wildcard on Search or Advanced Searched?
Im trying to edit our db to locate people w/blank city and add the city. I was told to use export import. I exported, added the city, now do I only map the id and city for the import? do I check over write (me thinks not) ??
posted 2016-01-18 14:18:47 -0800
commented on "User authentication failed due to invalid authentication values" donation error message
i am in the same boat with my new gateway! very frustrating and time suck
posted 2015-10-09 13:26:51 -0700