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commented on Custom Fields not working for me on Event page
Unfortunately, this didn’t work. I’ve tried basically every combination I could find for your API, and I’m getting a different error on the donation page.

The following is my code:
First Option <br>
{% for cf in custom_fields.signup %}

{% assign custom_field = cf1 }
assign custom_field_id = ‘custom_values.’ | append: custom_field.slug }
<div class=“row-fluid”>
  <div class=“span12”>
if custom_field.is_multiple_choice? }
    {{ }}
collection_select custom_field_id, custom_fields.signup[custom_field.slug].multiple_choice_options, class:“select” }
endif %}

{% endfor %}

Second Option<br>
{{ request.current_signup.custom_values_for_display[‘lgba_2017_housing’] }}

Third Option<br>
{% collection_select “custom_values.lgba_2017_housing”, custom_fields.lgba_2017_housing.multiple_choice_options %}

Third Option B<br>
{% collection_select “custom_values.slug”, custom_fields.lgba_2017_housing.multiple_choice_options %}

Third Option C<br>
{% collection_select “custom_values.lgba_2017_housing”, custom_fields.slug.multiple_choice_options %}

Fourth Option<br>
{% collection_select “signup.custom_values.lgba_2017_housing”, custom_fields.signup.lgba_2017_housing.multiple_choice_options %}

Fourth Option B<br>
{% collection_select “signup.custom_values.slug”, custom_fields.signup.lgba_2017_housing.multiple_choice_options %}

Fourth Option C<br>
{% collection_select “signup.custom_values.lgba_2017_housing”, custom_fields.signup.slug.multiple_choice_options %}

Fifth Option<br>
{% for cf in custom_fields.signup }
assign custom_field = cf1 }
assign custom_field_id = ‘signup.custom_values.’ | append: custom_field.slug }
if custom_field.slug contains “lgba_2017_housing” }
<div class=“row-fluid”>
<div class=“span12”>
{{ }}
collection_select custom_field_id, custom_fields.signup[custom_field.slug].multiple_choice_options, class:“select” }
endif }
endfor %}

And the various errors I get
First Option

Housing Arrangements
Liquid error: undefined method `source’ for custom_values.lgba_2017_housing

Second Option
Second Option B

Third Option
Liquid error: undefined method `each’ for nil:NilClass
Third Option B
Liquid error: undefined method `each’ for nil:NilClass
Third Option C
Liquid error: undefined method `each’ for nil:NilClass

Fourth Option
Liquid error: undefined method `source’ for signup.custom_values.lgba_2017_housing
Fourth Option B
Liquid error: undefined method `source’ for signup.custom_values.slug
Fourth Option C
Liquid error: undefined method `each’ for nil:NilClass

Fifth Option
Housing Arrangements
Liquid error: undefined method `source’ for signup.custom_values.lgba_2017_housing
posted 2016-09-18 10:37:11 -0700