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How do I get rid of the "Pulse" section in the Victory Again theme?

I don't want the "Pulse" section to show up in my sidebar. I'm using the Victory Again theme.

Official response from

There are two ways to delete this section. You can either delete lines 44-58 of your _columns_2.html file:

<div class="sidebar-widget sidebar-widget-pulse">


<ul class="sup-list">
{% for supporter in site.recent_supporters_with_pictures limit:10 %}
<li>{{ supporter.profile_image }}</li>
{% endfor %}

{% for supporter in site.recent_supporters_with_pictures limit:1 %}
<p class="latest">{{ supporter.published_name_linked }} just joined.</p>
{% endfor %}

</div><!-- .widget pulse -->

or style the class for this widget at the bottom of your theme.scss file to not display:

.sidebar-widget-pulse {


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