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How do I redirect uppercase URLs to NationBuilder pages?

I've advertised a URL in all caps, EXAMPLE.COM/JOIN, but my supporters are getting redirected to and see a "page not found" error. Supporters who type in the URL all lowercase can access my signup page as expected. Can NationBuilder automatically direct uppercase and lowercase URLs to the same page?

Official response from

Root domains and subdomains are not case-sensitive, but servers and search engines generally treat page slugs with capital letters as different URLs altogether. For instance, and will redirect properly to your site at, but would be treated as a different link than your NationBuilder page at

Pages created in NationBuilder default to lowercase slugs, but you can manually create a redirect with capital letters using the legacy URL importer, like so:


If you would like to redirect URL paths with capital letters to the lowercase versions by default — rather than create a new redirect each time — this can be done using Javascript. The following snippet will change any URLs accessed on your site with capital letters to lowercase, and I would recommend adding it to the top of you page_not_found.html theme file so that the script runs only when the site cannot locate a given page.

Complete and current information on how to use NationBuilder is available in the documentation section.

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