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Best way to organize people into heirarchies for email targeting?

I want to be able to target emails to people at various levels in a hierachy.

My people all love animals. Some love birds and some love reptiles. Further more some love finches and some love eagles and some love lizards. Everyone who loves lizards loves reptiles, and everyone who loves eagles loves birds.

*** Birds
****** Finches
****** Eagles
*** Reptiles
****** Lizards
****** Snakes

I want to organize my people in NationBuilder such that anyone who is in the Snake group is automatically in the Reptile group, and so on and so forth. In some systems they call this "smart groups" or something similar.

What is the best way to do this? I want to be able to target emails to Bird people and get everyone who loves Finches and Eagles without having to manually add all new Eagles to Birds each time.

I could assign people to fake "point people" named "Finch," and then "Finch" to "Bird," and "Bird" to "Animal." Then I could set filters based on those fake point people and target my emails based off the filters.

Actually that won't really work either, because you can't query for all the people assigned to all the people assigned to a given person. Can you?

Official response from

This is definitely a case for tags

You can do 


Birds - Finch

Birds - Eagle 

Or! you can do a path that's birds > steps are > eagle > finch etc. 

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