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commented on Suggestion Box modification?
Hey Charlotte,

Sorry about that! I’ve replaced the video with a screenshot of where to change this on a suggestion box. If you’d like, I could create a video soon to supplement the screenshot!
posted 2015-10-15 15:15:15 -0700
commented on
Hey Collin,

Thanks for noticing that! I think it must have been a typo since the feedback page only currently accepts the mobile number field. I’ve updated the list of variables above to reflect that!
posted 2015-10-15 14:47:44 -0700
commented on Liquid Basics
Hey Fredrick,

It looks like it’s not possible to randomly sort an array using Liquid, however I think you could probably use JQuery/JavaScript to do that.

Justin, that’s an awesome work around dude!! Super impressed. That’s really handy. I’m going to be working on updating our Liquid documentation in the next couple of months and I’d love it if you could send me an email with some of your more clever liquid bits that you’ve written, as well as feedback on how we can better help people learn liquid! Send me an email at: [email protected] if you’re interested.
posted 2015-10-15 11:19:37 -0700
commented on How do I edit the CSS file for my site?
Hey Therese, you actually can create a custom theme that’s based on the current public theme that you’re using. Then once you’ve created that custom theme you can access your new custom theme’s(that’s exactly the same as the public theme until you make changes) html and css files. You can learn more about custom theming here:
posted 2015-10-15 10:59:59 -0700
commented on How can I easily share a personalized recruiter link with all of my supporters?
That’s a great idea @tony!! I’ve actually done that before as well, but with both recruiter links and UTM tracking codes.

@ian has also done something sort of similar to track add conversions as well.
posted 2015-10-15 10:54:26 -0700
commented on Implementing a custom Google Search using NationBuilder
Hey Tim,

I didn’t write up this blog, but if I had to guess I’d say that your search engine ID is probably the value in “var cx = ‘random number’” from your dropbox link.
posted 2015-11-12 17:17:44 -0800
commented on Email notifications for contributions
Hey Michael,

It’s not possible to get notifications from a certain filter at the moment. To work around that, you could make yourself the point person for everyone from that state so that you get a notification whenever someone assigned to you donates, or you could also have a donation page for every state, but that would be a lot of leg work to create that many donation pages. My only other advice would be to create that filter with the criteria that you’re looking for and check it intermittently.
posted 2015-10-13 16:45:41 -0700
commented on event_ticket_level
Thanks Justin,

I’ve updated the list of variables.
posted 2015-10-13 16:17:52 -0700
commented on no index" and/or "no follow"?
Thanks for helping out Christian!
posted 2015-10-13 15:52:22 -0700
commented on Show Facebook feed in website's sidebar
Hey Sam,

Which fields don’t exist anymore? But, like Jeff mentioned Facebook has depreciated some of their older plugins and you’d probably be better off using something like their new page plugin.
posted 2015-10-13 15:07:25 -0700
commented on Liquid: Get current year
Hey Donald,

You can totally place the current date using a div or a span. Instead of dropping the script into the html panel for the content of your page, you’ll want to put it at the bottom of the page template like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(“.now”).html($.datepicker.formatDate(‘dd M yy’, new Date()));

And then in your content, find where you’d like to put your date, and insert a div or span with class=“now” inline with your text(span will usually work better for this). The html editor is slightly wonky and will delete a div or span that doesn’t have any content in it, so I would insert a “.” or some other character so that the element is actually inserted into your content.

For example, the code in my html content editor looks like this:
<p>This is today’s date:<span class=“now”>.</span></p>

And is displayed on my site like this:
This is today’s date:13 Oct 2015

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any trouble getting this working.
posted 2015-10-13 14:34:01 -0700
commented on How do I modify error messages?
Hey Jean-Charles, can you submit that as a product suggestion so our product team can take a look at it? Here’s the link:
posted 2015-10-13 13:46:55 -0700