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OAuth Callback with App Id

When receiving the code parameter in our oauth callback page, can you also pass the nation slug and appname or client id with that code so we know which nation/app the request came from? This would allow us reuse code in many places on our side. I tried adding url parameters to my oauth callback url, but the app form would not allow it. Thanks!


Update: Nevermind. I can't put url params in the callback url, but I can put params in the redirect_uri to be passed back to me. Thanks!

Official response from completed

Scott, our CTO's recommendation is you use cookies to to track users and sessions - so, set a cookie when someone first lands on your site, and with each subsequent request (even redirects back to the site) they will submit the same cookie. This is the standard way that websites verify that the user behind request A and request B are the same person.

if you use Rails, you get sessions out of the box, and if your person is known to your app you can just say or whatever and you don't need to know about cookies or sessions.

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