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I work to make people's lives better, through online connections and engagement.

My passion is partnering with positively focussed clients to implement smart marketing strategies. I particularly love the outcomes we can deliver through the unification of analytics, KPIs and marketing automation.

I enable owners, principals and stakeholders to:
- get clarity and direction to logically position offers.
- confidently make strategic online marketing decisions.
- leverage the intelligence of data driven online marketing campaigns.
- access training and resources to deliver actionable, measurable results.

We don't work with mini-clients, but we do work with startups. We don't work with giant-clients, but we do with clients with global reach and market share. If you want to explore how we can grow together, please reach out and see if we're a good fit.


commented on Map on event page
have a working solution … displays nicely – would like to have used the new places library from google maps, but same problem with that as with the Infowindow not displaying details —>> liquid won’t output into the google maps script, even if declared as placeholder variabls in advance :(
… but, atleast we got something working ;)
-> please view at and if there’s any additions let me know and I can add them in for everyone elses reference.
posted 2015-09-22 10:27:05 -0700
tagged Tom Ryan's Integrations with Important
posted 2015-09-20 21:26:15 -0700
published Building Custom Applications in API Developers Forum
posted 2015-09-16 15:31:26 -0700