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tagged Jeff Merritt's Can I disable the social media share features (tweet, facebook like) on select pages? with Helpful
posted 2017-11-20 18:28:49 -0800
commented on Import an attended list?
Now that we no longer are using tags to track event attendees, this functionality is even more important as we need a an easy way to add people as attendees on a larger scale. We also need this functionality for people who attend the event but haven’t RSVPd – the ways to mark them as attendees at the moment involve 2+ steps per person (& also involves marking them as RSVPs, which they’re not).
posted 2017-06-28 00:27:59 -0700
commented on Importing RSVPs
Now that we no longer are using tags to track event RSVPs, this functionality is even more important as we need a an easy way to add RSVPs on a larger scale (which was easy to do with tags).
posted 2017-06-28 00:29:25 -0700
followed batch update for event RSVPs
posted 2016-10-05 17:28:53 -0700
commented on Can I delete my custom Theme
I have the same issue as Michael – when I follow the instructions I can’t see the ‘Delete theme’ button – please help!
posted 2016-06-26 22:30:54 -0700