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We wanted to focus on a common question we get from our Australian customers. How does connecting social media to your nation help you target better?

Targeting matters because when you segment your messaging to your community of supporters (and prospective supporters) based on common traits (same interests, location, profession etc.), your communication garners more attention and a greater impact.

We've all been on one of those email lists that doesn't feel personal. Unfortunately, mass emailing everyone in your database with the same message is an easy way to damage existing relationship and put off prospective supporters.

But, social media allows you to make that name into a person. You can spend less than two minutes searching social media bios and locations for keywords to identify who lives in your city, what they’re up to and what they care about.

So, let’s talk reality -- what’s the best way to do that?

First, let’s attach your Twitter and Facebook to your nation.

From your control panel, select Communications > Broadcaster > Settings and attach a Twitter/Facebook account.

Now, you can target people using Advanced Search. Click on the funnel icon and select your criteria. Here are some of the Facebook criteria options:

Let’s say you’re running a campaign and you want to find all of the folks who’ve liked your post in the last 7 days that are emailable. You’re now pulling a list of engaged members of your community who are reachable via social and email. Knowing who these people are is incredible when you’re running a fundraising drive, a get-out-the-vote (GOTV) campaign, or trying to grow your volunteer base (among other things).

And the same can be done with Twitter. Let’s try searching for someone with 15,000 followers, has interacted with your Twitter account (by following you, retweeting you or tweeting at you) & has an email address for you to reach them.

Check out the list of Twitter-related criteria in Advanced Search.

Remember – you are not a machine, so don’t communicate like one.

This week, have a play around in your Advanced Search and give us a shout if you have any followup questions. We’d love to help!



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