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As of April 29, 2016, you will no longer be able to create broadcasters with email addresses.

In June, Google will stop delivering email not sent through its Gmail applications. Like AOL and Yahoo, Google will use Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, & Conformance (DMARC) to reject these messages. The policy of rejecting emails not sent through native applications is becoming an industry standard to avoid email impersonation. This is because spam and phishing often involves spoofing email addresses.

For customers who have existing broadcasters associated with Gmail, Yahoo, or AOL addresses, we will retain all associated broadcaster data, including email history. On May 25, we will remove all free email addresses provided by Google, AOL, or Yahoo from broadcasters, which will leave those broadcasters unable to send or receive email until a new email address is added. We recommend using a custom domain with your broadcaster to maximize email deliverability, but also provide free email addresses in the format [email protected].

Not familiar with email deliverability? Check out tactics for making sure your messages are reaching your supporters.

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