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We’ve made some improvements to NationBuilder petition pages!

  • You can now filter on ‘has signed (specific petition)’ this will make it easier to target outreach to people who have signed one (or more!) specific petitions without having to rely on a tagging structure - similar to the filter that we recently added to search for people who have attended a specific event.

  • The ability to map petition signatures has been removed (the version of the map that we were using on that page was outdated). Still want to see your data on a map? You can view a map of your petition signatures directly from a filter or list.

  • Batch deleting people who had happened to have signed a petition was sending notifications that they unsigned the petition to control panel users (in some cases that was A LOT of emails) we’ve removed this unnecessary notification.

Also - 

Supporters who donated, volunteered, signed a petition or RSVP’d to an event were getting opted out of email subscriptions if they did not check the ‘send me emails’ box when completing their action. This was confusing as many supporters expected that they were already subscribed to receive emails and didn’t need to check the box again.

This has been fixed - supporters will not be opted out if they do not check the box and you will no longer see supporters completing an action and unsubscribing at the same time!

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