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commented on Email notification for regular signups?
Thank Ian, I understand the system around follow ups and point people and I think it works really well mostly (although I think it’s the last feature users get their head around).

I can see you’ve made a clear choice not to have the option of email people regarding newly marked follow ups and I think several users, like me, think it’s not the right choice. I would like the option of alerting at least one user when there is a new follow-up for some sorts of contacts.

For donations, and new volunteers, it is critical people get followed up immediately. However, in a small organisation new donations and new volunteers might only happen once a week or once a fortnight. Start up organisations I support need to have someone checking the follow ups daily in order to respond to something that happens quite irregularly.

This is particularly difficult regarding donations which for most organisations are handled be a separate person to the volunteer organising and who may not have any other reason to be on Nationbuilder daily or even weekly otherwise.
posted 2013-05-07 20:03:12 -0700
commented on Event RSVP Email Updates
This is an important point. The current tick box does a disservice to our supporters because it doesn’t clearly spell out the implications of unchecking the box (ie unsubscribing from all emails). The choice is all emails from the site or no emails – not even about this event.
posted 2014-05-07 23:49:10 -0700
commented on Importing RSVPs
We’ve ended up using tags to get around this – we’d much prefer a batch update. We get a lot of new volunteers etc as walk-ins at events and need to know which event they came from, event RSVP should do this but is too clunky at the moment.
posted 2013-01-30 16:54:58 -0800
commented on Tags not transferring to embedded signup form signups
Thanks Michael, that fixed the problems I was having with the ‘Publish theme’ homepage sign up
posted 2014-09-17 21:14:46 -0700
commented on How to prepare for automatic de-duping during Election Center import?
We’re having the same problem, I have about 400 more people with state file id’s than we do people on our electoral role. I’m going to re-export and de-dupe but I think there should be a better way.
posted 2013-01-28 17:12:07 -0800
commented on Incorrect results from "Can vote?" field in mayoral race?
We’d like the same, I also assumed it only selected people that can vote for this voting district. That would be more useful. I’d like that to be an option
posted 2013-08-06 21:02:04 -0700