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Making the blog post's image show in the blog summary

Hi there,

I set up a blog on the Radio Free Richmond Nation. The blog is here. I have a blog summary on the home page, using the { % subpage "blog" with "blog_latest_home" % } and the { % for post in limit:5 offset:0 % }

That's great, it works - the blog posts show up just like they are supposed to. But I want it to be better. I want to make each blog post's image show up in the blog summary.

On the theme documentation, there is a section titled "Display content from one page on another page." In this section is the following:

You can also display an image attached to a page via this technique by using the following code:
<img src=" { { page['filename.jpg'] } } " />

I tried adding that to my _blog_latest.html file, but it didn't do anything (no surprise there). So, I changed it to this:

<img src="blogimage.jpg" width="200" />

And then on each of the five blog posts (titled first through fifth), I uploaded an image. I made sure that the image on each blog post was titled blogimage.jpg. The image for first blog post had a big "1" on it, the second with a big "2", etc.

Now, on my blog summary on the home page, I am noticing that the wrong images are showing up in the blog summary. As you can see from this screenshot, the images that are being pulled in are not appearing with their correct respective blog posts, and the the first one in the list (the most recent blog post) is missing its image altogether:

If you click through to the blog post, you can see that the wrong image is showing up adjacent to each blog post summary.

This is not working as intended. Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong?

Thank you!

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