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You can now set up keywords so people can RSVP for an event just by texting you.  Just go into event details for that page and click on "text keywords."   You can then specify a keyword, like say GARDEN for a community garden event.  Then anyone who texts that to your broadcaster will be RSVP'ed for your event, and will show up in your RSVP listings, your dashboard, the whole bit.

You will need text messaging set up for at least one broadcaster.

See how it works by texting GARDEN to 217-253-8637, which will RSVP you for this fake Abe for Prez community garden event. 

You can also add keywords to petition and vote pledge pages in the same way, so when everyone shows up at your event, you can tell them to text SAVETHEGARDEN to sign your petition.

We hope this makes it even easier to organize folks who may not be online as much as we are. :)

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