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commented on How do I add a table to my page or email blast?
Is there any way to create a table sortable?
posted 2013-10-14 12:14:32 -0700
commented on Automatic appending of voting districts
" Is there a way to map these voting districts to the name of the current elected representative?" that question did not get answered.
It looks like it might only be possable, if your source shape file provider has an API key. … not a static Shape file (shp or KML file)
That would be the only way to automatically map each voting area.
posted 2013-08-29 00:24:54 -0700
commented on How do you connect to Google+?
I also asked on this thread. It would be great if NationBuilder did support Google+ profiles.
posted 2013-07-18 18:52:55 -0700