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Help of C# api sample code


Can you please advise what the reference of EndPointProvider and ServiceRequest<PersonContainer>, it shows error (both object are not existing) when I build the PesonSerivce.cs file.

publicPerson CreatePerson(Person person)


string endpoint = EndPointProvider.GetCreatePersonEndPoint();

var container = newPersonContainer(person);

var request = new ServiceRequest<PersonContainer>(endpoint, container);

PersonContainer result = PostWithResult<PersonContainer, PersonContainer>(request);

return result.Person;



And same issue happens on the Service.cs,  Task<HttpResponseMessage>,

ConfigProvider and MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json") cannot be found.

Such as code below



privatevoid SendRequest<T>(ServiceRequest<T> request, Func<HttpClient, Task<HttpResponseMessage>> sendFunc)

whereT : class


using (var client = newHttpClient())


client.Timeout = ConfigProvider.ServiceTimeout;


client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

Task<HttpResponseMessage> postTask = sendFunc(client);


HttpResponseMessage response = postTask.Result;

if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)




Task<string> responseTask = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();


string responseText = responseTask.Result;

string payloadString = request.Payload != null ? JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request.Payload) : null;

Logger.Error("Error sending {0} to: {1}. Response: {2}", payloadString, request.Endpoint, responseText);

thrownewInvalidOperationException("API call failed.");







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