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collection_select class not applied

We're supposed to be able to pass a class to the "collection_select" liquid tag right? But for me it's not being applied. Here is the code I have from the Aware Staged Donation Conversion Kit:

{% collection_select "billing_address.country_code", page.donation.countries, "code", "name", class:"select" %}

I've searched quite a bit, and documentation for how this tag works seems to be basically non-existent. Am I missing something? Is 'class:"select"' supposed to apply an html class to the output select tag?

Also, as a secondary issue, I tried using "page.donation.countries" in a liquid for loop, and expected each loop item to be an object with "code" and "name" keys, but that doesn't work. What format is "page.donation.countries" supposed to be?

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Please see below for discussion! Looks like we need a little more information.

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