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commented on Support for SSL certificates?
This is an extremely important feature for every Nation that wants to use Google Analytics Advanced Ecommerce on their website. GA ecommerce can NOT track across 3 domains. The source is broken after 2 even if you have cross domain tracking setup properly with the proper domains added to the referral exclusion lists. Three es no bueno.

So if my website is on: and then someone clicks to donate and goes to and then makes a purchase via PayPal and are directed through the domain, even if you add all of these to your domain exclusion list, the purchase is still tracked as “direct/none” traffic source and/or tracked back to just the original page on the main domain, but NOT the traffic source that brought someone to that page on your domain.

Basically instead of a Traffic report saying:

Twitter -> Blog Post ABC --> Donation Page -> PayPal—-> Thank You After Donation

The Traffic report will say:

Blog Post ABC -> Donation Page -> PayPal—-> Thank You After Donation

And another session with:

Twitter -> Blog Post ABC—> Website Exit

// It basically won’t stitch together the original source data and it splits it out into two sessions. Double counting sessions in google analytics … eek.

Some of us folks may not be on the enterprise plan but we’d definitely like to be using Google Analytics Advanced Ecommerce and prevent double session issues :)

Thanks for considering elevating this feature to get donate pages on our own domain so we can drop down to 2 max domains in a donation funnel for PayPal.
posted 2017-04-11 14:28:21 -0700