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commented on Editing 'Your Pages'
Thanks for the feedback Chris. Could you or anyone suggest the route to take that would give users permission to delete their own posts? It seems like an important feature to have.
posted 2015-07-13 06:21:23 -0700
published How do I paginate the leaderboard? in Questions
posted 2015-07-03 18:28:16 -0700
commented on How do I change Social Media attribution?
yes Brad I have
posted 2015-07-05 01:58:02 -0700
commented on Featured and latest blogs
Thanks Brad, I have seen that but it doesn’t really explain how to dynamically add the latest posts from a blog section to every post in another section. For instance I would like to display the latest 3 blog posts from Blog A in the footer of every blog post on Blog B. I am really hoping there is a way to do this.
posted 2015-07-05 04:42:54 -0700
commented on Hide Admin from Leaderboard
For the record I just found that I can remove myself from the leaderboard in my settings :)
posted 2015-07-02 06:12:45 -0700
commented on How do I add search to my site?
could someone please assist me with a tutorial on how to add a Google CSE to the sidebar in the 2 column layout?
thank you
posted 2015-06-30 03:49:04 -0700
commented on Change 'Add your reaction' text
Ok for the record I was able to change this under the template file :)
posted 2015-07-01 16:35:26 -0700
commented on How can I add a summary to the top of a blog page?
Thank you so much Jordan :)
posted 2015-06-30 05:47:26 -0700
tagged Remove Address from survey page with Helpful
posted 2015-06-29 18:59:28 -0700