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commented on Deleting "participate" block from Victory theme
The participate box no longer starts on line 80 of this theme…can someone share with me what it starts with? Tried to delete the lines that seemed accurate, but it’s not working.
posted 2015-06-01 16:02:17 -0700
commented on When people leave feedback on a feedback page, where do I go to read it?
I am only seeing the first line in my stream. Where do I go to see the rest of the information if the person opted to not post publically?
posted 2013-06-09 15:03:41 -0700
commented on Multiple Domain Names
Thank you. I it possible to have multiple domains directed to a site, but have one MAIN site domain? For example, my campaign purchased 9 domains, and our site utilizes “”. If someone typed in “” (which we also own), can they be redirected to “”? We’d want this to happen for all 9 of our domains. Is this possible to do with still only having 1 site?
posted 2013-06-11 21:28:00 -0700