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commented on #EverydayLeaders
It is with great pleasure that I write this letter in support of the nomination of Jenn Wallage for being an amazing leader within the Waterloo Region. I have known Jenn for the past nine years and have been volunteering, alongside Jenn, with Girl Guides of Canada for three years and looking forward to more to come with her as well!

Jenn is an active community leader and a positive role model for girls and women. She works hard as the President of the ETFO Waterloo Region Designated Early Childhood Educators Local (WRDECE Local), is self-employed with Playing It Safe and volunteers with Girl Guides of Canada.

Jenn is an inspiration to our youth with Girl Guides of Canada. She is a positive role model and allows for the girls voices to be heard, encouraging them to be leaders and not be fearful. Jenn strives to offer rich and meaningful activities, trips and camps that foster the girl’s creativity skills and confidence. She ensures an environment that is inclusive to all and a safe space for the youth to achieve their best, form friendships and have fun!

Through her work in ETFO Jenn is a strong advocate for members and their rights. She continually works towards improving the working conditions of all DECEs, and is also a member of the Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario (AECEO). Jenn is determined to ensure equity and inclusiveness in the workplace and is proactive in seeking equality for all Early Childhood Educators in Ontario. She volunteers her time to speak up at forums and town halls, trying to help improve the lives of others. She cares deeply and it shows.

Jenn is a true leader and a pillar of her community, whether it be her work community, Guiding community or home community. She is a natural leader, mentor and an amazing role model to women everywhere.
posted 2020-12-10 17:38:10 -0800