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commented on #EverydayLeaders
I proudly nominate Ben Lopez as one of our country’s AMAZING #Everyday leaders.

Mr. Lopez is the Executive director of NALIP – the National Association of Latino Independent Producers. The organization was founded in 1999 by a group of Latinx producers, scholars and artists who felt excluded from Hollywood. And indeed we were. And sadly, we still are.

I say “we,” because I am one of the Latinx artists who has fought alongside people like Ben with NALIP just to be heard. Our goal was clear: to build a community where we could support our own art. Tell our own narratives. If no one in Hollywood was willing to help us tell our stories, the simple question arose: could we help each other?

Ben has been a leader in this movement from the very beginning. And I have watched him grow into one of our communities most powerful advocates.

Years ago, Ben was the president of the very humble and small Tucson chapter of NALIP. And I was the founder and president of the Phoenix chapter of NALIP. We struggled and maintained a scrappy presence. We worked tirelessly to encourage our fellow storytellers to join our efforts to create content. Some did, others got discouraged, but Ben always persevered.

It comes as no surprise to me that with his dynamic, but humble, leadership style, he’s taken the reigns to race NALIP into the future.

Ben never brags. He cheerleads. He supports. He coaches. He advises. He mentors. He listens. Bottomline, Ben cares. A very, very rare quality in Hollywood.

Buoyed on by his stewardship, Ben works with industry leaders to ensure that the future of creative media in our country is inclusive.

His work is vital. Why? Well, here’s the unvarnished truth. Even as we head into 2021, our Latinx community continues to be grossly underrepresented within the entertainment industry. It’s not hard to see there’s much work to be done. Mr. Lopez tackles these challenges head-on with aplomb, grace and tenacity that few can match.

As Executive Director, Ben oversees a multitude of groundbreaking programs including the NALIP Media Summit, Diverse Women in Media Initiative, the Latino Media Fest and Latino Lens programs.  

Mr. Lopez essentially serves as THE year-round industry liaison for executives and content creators. With a selfless ease, he matches top agencies in the world with Latinx creators. His aim is always to help underrepresented voices find paths to expression. He crafts opportunities to help people move their careers forward. 

In return, he often sacrifices family time and even sleep. But Mr. Lopez is undeterred in his vision. Words alone simply do not convey his conviction and passion for the work.

I point to the following links to reference the incredible spectrum of his vision:

I’ll close with a personal chuckle. As I write this heartfelt nomination for Ben Lopez – I’m reminded of the countless, countless award ceremonies he has produced to honor others in our industry. But in all these years, I’ve never seen anyone take the time to give Ben an award. I’m thunderstruck. It just hit me.

Wow. That’s an #EverydayLeader. Someone who supports a grander cause for a community beyond themselves. But sometimes, those folks deserve some serious applause too. That is Ben.

In that spirit, I offer my highest recommendation to Mr. Benjamin Lopez as your next FABULOUS #Everydayleader.

With thanks,

Marcos Nájera

American Latinx Storyteller
posted 2020-12-02 18:48:05 -0800