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commented on Map of supporters on website?
Thanks, NationBuilder. This “official response” provided a good laugh for our team.

I just hope our client doesn’t see this. We’ll be building a custom mapping integration; hopefully more-useful guidance can be provided in the future instead of bandaid responses… AKA: give example of API fields (and manners of calling/prepping it for use with a Google or other mapping API. That would be a nice response. If we have time, we’ll package such a response here.
posted 2016-06-15 07:48:35 -0700
commented on Sass missing imports
Same here. Trying to extend primary themes… no idea where these imports are.
posted 2016-05-04 21:28:35 -0700
signed up on API updates email list
posted 2016-01-26 12:46:54 -0800