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Making a real world impact, ONLINE

I am an award-winning New Media Manager with seven years of experience in social media, digital content, list building, and web development. I create and implement new media policies that exponentially increase voter and constituency engagement in campaigns, community groups, non-profits and elected officials.


signed up on Organize the organizers!
posted 2015-06-02 12:02:22 -0700
commented on Press Release v. Blog
Is there an automatic way that NationBuilder Builds the archive? I know how to html code it, but doing it that way seems anti-cms.
posted 2012-10-19 18:36:12 -0700
commented on Aaron Marquez breaks Democratic fundraising record by $10k
Go, Aaron! Arizona needs fresh politicians with new ideas.
posted 2014-01-21 15:39:47 -0800