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responded to How do I add a person's race or ethnicity to their profile? with completed
posted 2018-09-12 15:43:40 -0700
commented on Facebook Ads: How to use a Conversion Tracking Pixel on the site and on a specific page?
The layout.html file can be found in your custom theme files. If you have not yet created a custom theme, see here:
posted 2018-04-18 07:49:29 -0700
responded to Inserting images with text wraparound option is gone with completed
posted 2018-02-28 13:55:23 -0800
responded to How can I set a fundraising goal for someone in my nation? with completed
posted 2018-09-12 15:32:14 -0700
commented on How do I get a unique url?
Hi AJ— your first step to getting a unique URL will be to purchase it from a DNS provider. After that, you can add it to your nation account and attach it:
posted 2018-01-09 15:48:37 -0800
responded to How do I adjust text sizes in the WYSIWYG editor? with completed
posted 2018-01-08 16:21:13 -0800
commented on Historical Membership Entries
Hi Robert,

You can set an expiration date for a membership in the past. To do so, you will need to set the set the status for the membership at ‘expired, canceled, or grace period.’ You can include ‘lapsed’ in the ‘status reason’ category.

Check out the ‘Status and expiration date’ section here:
posted 2017-10-03 07:34:09 -0700
responded to How do I add my Google Tag Manager to NationBuilder? with completed
posted 2017-07-10 15:27:36 -0700