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published "Unusable" email adress in Questions
posted 2017-05-25 12:05:48 -0700
commented on How to link to filter token or results in template
This is useful. For some reason I had ignored the directory page.

This allows me to create custom private pages for new volunteers I might not know very well. Instead of giving them access the the backend even in a limited fashion, I can simply send a link to a directory page that shows contact info for users who might need a call for one reason or another, as well as an embedded form.

By adding something as simple as the following in the directory template:

<div class=“padtop”>
{% for signup in }
<div class="people-list {
cycle ‘odd’, ‘even’ }">
include “signup_show” }
if signup.has_mobile? } Mobile phone: {{ signup.mobile_number }}
else } Phone: {{ }}
endif %}

I can create quick and dirty pages for volunteers to call from. So within a few minutes, they’ll be calling a list that’s updated as they call by adding a “last contacted” option on my filter.

Useful stuff! </div>
posted 2017-02-16 20:05:10 -0800
wants to volunteer
posted 2017-02-13 14:28:59 -0800