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commented on #EverydayLeaders
Sheri Farmer has been a vital voice in the crime victims’ rights movement in Oklahoma for more than 40 years. Sheri’s oldest child, Lori Lee, was murdered on June 13, 1977, at her first night of Girl Scout camp, and from those first few days of loss, grief and confusion, Sheri and her husband, Dr. Bo Farmer, have continued on to advocate for victims and survivors across the state and around the country. Sheri founded the Oklahoma chapter of Parents of Murdered Children, and for 15 years they organized monthly meetings and served on the national board. Sheri has traveled the state of Oklahoma speaking to various organizations for decades, has received many awards for her time and dedication to enhancing victims’ rights, and has been recognized by the United States Department of Justice. She has also been a guest speaker at the National Compassion Friends Convention and the Center for Missing and Exploited Children. In April 2020, during National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, Sheri extended her commitment to the advisory board of Marsy’s Law for Oklahoma, an organization that she endorsed in 2017, and continues to serve the cause during the implementation phase of the constitutional amendment which passed in 2018.

Sheri is the first one to volunteer or lend her voice or name as it proceeds to benefit victims of crime and their loved ones. We’re constantly amazed by her energy and compassion for others. From terrible tragedy, and after many years, she fights alongside others to honor and preserve Lori’s memory, while bringing attention to the ongoing needs of rights and protections for all future victims of crime.
posted 2020-12-15 13:40:45 -0800