“We started this informal food coalition which has just been really beautiful to see grow, and now we're making connections with other people. Even if we don't share the same ideology, the basic human needs are there—food, clothing, and shelter. And we all came together focused on that to be able to provide this to folks that needed it, and hopefully ease some of the suffering that was there before, but is now so much greater for some people.”
“This pandemic exacerbated the needs of homeless people, but one of the reasons we were able to provide so much food is because people came together and provided us with the means to be able to do that. I think [of] this takeaway: people can be challenging, but people are also very loving and resilient and really want to do things for other people, especially in a crisis. That was really amazing to see.”
— Michelle Tonn
Nominated by Barby White:
"...They have done everything in their power to bring miracles. From helping individuals find housing when they were homeless during a pandemic, to making sure that people stayed in their home even though they no longer had the income (and finding income sources for them), to providing food for those who were struggling to provide for themselves and their families. These women have coordinated the distribution of food to up to 1,800 people a week in Los Angeles, as well as toiletries, blankets, and many other needed items.”