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Church Websites

We love NationBuilder because it makes it so easy to build websites that connect PEOPLE to PEOPLE!


commented on Growing Your Coalition with NationBuilder and Google Analytics
I’m assuming we still have to set up the goals in Google analytics correct? NationBuilder doesn’t do this for you correct?
posted 2013-11-11 13:03:58 -0800
commented on Basic Pages API
Thanks for the reply… oh, so you do mean access to update the “template” for the site or the page via the API? Yeah, that would be cool too… thanks…
posted 2013-11-22 12:43:18 -0800
commented on How to import .SCSS files after uploading them to the theme???
Thanks Jesse!
posted 2014-01-07 11:14:20 -0800
commented on page.moneybomb
Seems like it would make sense to expose that so that we can use that variable on the web page content and if we change it on the back end everything changes together… :)
posted 2013-11-08 11:45:37 -0800
commented on Can I make a custom 404 "Page Not Found" error message?
I have customized our page not found page… very cool…

Is there a way to get the url of the page in a liquid variable?

posted 2014-01-10 08:58:33 -0800
commented on Drop Down issues
I would like to setup a separate menu of links that won’t show up in the main “top” nav… what I was thinking to do was to create these pages under a placeholder page called _menu that was not checked to “Include in top nav”, but then have the subpages specified with “Include in top nav”…

How would I get the object for these subpages with this option turned on so I can loop over them in liquid?
posted 2013-12-08 10:19:33 -0800
commented on feature
Yeah, Ian … it would be best if these were just configurable by the admin so that as times change, we could adjust to any sizes we might need…

But that would be another great benefit to NB that we could optimize those images and thus download time based on the device type… :)
posted 2014-01-21 07:18:34 -0800
commented on Liquid: Get current year
Cool Jerad! Thanks!
posted 2014-01-09 14:46:10 -0800
commented on Unable to upload SCSS files
Jerad, did you find any workarounds on this? I would like to better understand how this all works in NB… I am pretty new to SCSS and SASS… so any of your experience here would help…
posted 2013-12-05 14:11:45 -0800
commented on site
Jesse, can you also publish the “fix” for those that have customized the template…
posted 2013-12-20 12:15:45 -0800
commented on
Figured out how to do sorting with Liquid: the first line of this snippet will show you:

{% assign theposts = tag.most_recent_published_pages | sort }
for post in theposts }
<div class=“blog_quick_list”>
<a href=“%7B%7B%20post.url%20%7D%7D”>{{ post.headline }}</a> – {{ post.blog_post.content }}
endfor %}
posted 2013-11-08 10:06:00 -0800
commented on settings
Well, I just create a new “blog post” for each “setting” I want to setup… one magic part of this is to hide the blog below a page that is only accessible to an “admin” so the settings page and the blog is not publicly accessible… but NB will still render the content from my “include” correctly…

Does that help? Ask any other questions you have… :)
posted 2013-12-11 09:30:24 -0800