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commented on #EverydayLeaders
Mrs. Naima Jefferson has worked to keep our community together throughout the Pandemic. She has organized contributions to our local food bank, a special dinner for first responders, the printing of absentee ballot request forms in our community newsletter before our Board of elections circulated them, the posting of Get Out the Vote posters throughout the neighborhood, an Adopt a Pot flower beautification project for the commercial corridor of the community, supporting our local school’s anti-racism campaign, and organizing support for the new state of the art shelter for people experiencing homelessness. She helped organize vitural debates with local candidates for elected office. In addition to this, she has organized virtua commity meetings with the police department, regulatory agencies, and elected leaders to make sure neighbors stay involved. As an encore, she sucessfully fought the alcoholic license renewal for a business that was causing disruption in the community. At present she is working to find a solution the proposed closure of our nieghborhood library. This is a partial list of her accomplishments while holding a high profile, full time job in a federal government agency and being a wife and mother to two remarkable young ladies in middle and high school. I believe that she typifies the kind of down to earth, everyday leadership that our communities need in these dark times. Thank you for considering her.
posted 2020-12-10 18:40:16 -0800