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Recorded webinars

Political campaigners, NGOs and marketers use digital tools to identify, engage and mobilise advocates. These tools are increasingly used by public affairs practitioners. In the US, digital-driven corporate advocacy will likely outstrip lobbying spend within 5 years. Europe won’t be far behind. This session, hosted in partnership with Rud Pedersen, the fastest-growing public affairs and communications agency in Brussels, covers examples of successful corporate advocacy and explores what your advocacy strategy might look like.

Community organising initiatives in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have flourished across the world, providing support and care to the most exposed and vulnerable. NationBuilder is currently contributing by offering free accounts to those organising the emergency response. The beneficiaries of our programme have already been able to achieve a lot, under multiple forms and at different levels. This panel highlights some of the initiatives that are helping communities in Europe using NationBuilder: why they started, how they operate and what role technology is playing in the implementation of their strategies.


  • Mariana Spada, WeGotYou - helps connect volunteers with neighbours stuck at home
  • Iona Lawrence, Connection Coalition - builds strong relationships in times of physical distancing
  • Oliver Wells, Tooting Together - initiative run by local residents who are pitching in for their community
  • Philip How, Stratford-upon-Avon Support - town council and town trust initiative coordinating the emergency response 

We have partnered with Giving Tuesday for the #GivingTuesdayNow day of global generosity and unity on May 5th, 2020. This is a day to come together and give back in response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19, no matter who or where we are. Whether you’re new to online fundraising or refining your strategies, this webinar will show you how to keep your donors engaged through #GivingTuesdayNow and beyond.

As of April 16, the initial allocation for the Payroll Protection Program (PPP) has been depleted and Congress is in negotiation on additional funding. Given this news, this event focused on measures you can take in the meantime, like:

  • Readying loan application materials for when PPP funding is available
  • Making application submissions through your local bank
  • Launching online fundraising for more immediate support

The information provided during this webinar does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. 
Information provided during the course of this webinar may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information as the government continues to make changes to how it is administering the CARES Act.  Participants in the webinar should contact their attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular aspect of the CARES Act.  

Whatsapp is the world’s most used messaging app - with 1.6 billion active users sharing 60 billion messages per month across the world. It’s broadly used for community building, campaigning and knowledge sharing across all levels - from organising legislators to coordinating grassroots movements. Whether you’re new to incorporating WhatsApp into your organising practice or you’ve already started doing so, this webinar outlines how you can make the most of your campaigns with NationBuilder’s new WhatsApp integration.

For more information on using Whatsapp with NationBuilder you can see this blog post. 


Given the unprecedented challenges presented by the global COVID-19 pandemic, we’re offering free access to software and services to state and local governments, their contractors and agencies, and NGOs organizing essential service provision and emergency response over the next three months. Whether you’re new to organizing or a seasoned expert, this webinar will walk you through the most helpful ways to use NationBuilder to serve your community during this emergency.

In-person events likely play a major part in your organizing strategy. While meeting in real life might be off the table for now, video conferencing apps like Zoom, Skype, and Google Hangouts make it possible to host most events virtually. Not only do virtual events align with the current guidelines around social distancing, they’re also much more cost-effective. 

Whether you’re new to organizing or a seasoned expert, this webinar will walk you through the most helpful ways to use NationBuilder to serve your community during this emergency.

The COVID-19 pandemic has and will continue to dramatically impact the ways people organize on a daily basis, but that doesn’t mean that the work you’re passionate about has to come to a halt. This webinar will walk you through the most helpful ways to use NationBuilder to serve your community and continue organizing during this emergency.

In-person events likely play a major part in your organizing strategy. While meeting in real life might be off the table for now, video conferencing apps like Zoom, Skype, and Google Hangouts make it possible to host most events virtually. Not only do virtual events align with the current guidelines around social distancing, they’re also much more cost-effective. 

Whether you’re new to organizing or a seasoned expert, this webinar will walk you through the most helpful ways to use NationBuilder to serve your community during this emergency.

Given the unprecedented challenges presented by the global COVID-19 pandemic, we’re offering free access to software and services to state and local governments, their contractors and agencies, and NGOs organizing essential service provision and emergency response over the next three months. Whether you’re new to organizing or a seasoned expert, this webinar will walk you through the most helpful ways to use NationBuilder to serve your community during this emergency.