C.J. MinsterCheng commented on Do blog entries have a Excerpt field?
Tim, can you clarify what you’re asking? The excerpt field exists for every page on your website, including blog posts. You can find it in Settings > Social media
posted 2014-01-20 13:15:14 -0800
C.J. MinsterCheng responded to How do I import organization profiles?
with completed
posted 2016-06-27 17:46:33 -0700
C.J. MinsterCheng commented on Are there plans to integrate NationBuilder with Drupal?
Marty – just to clarify, you are able to create a visual calendar in a NationBuilder website using Liquid functionality. You are correct that it isn’t the standard format for displaying events in a NationBuilder site. You can also add your voice to this feature suggestion: http://nationbuilder.com/redtimmy/a_block_style_calendar_for_events Note that in the comments, there is a link to a NationBuilder Architect who is offering the feature, as well as information on our calendar API and events API.
posted 2014-01-22 11:02:33 -0800
C.J. MinsterCheng commented on Recording donations not made through web site?
Melanie, thank you for pointing out this bug on inputting financial information. You can definitely track donations without running them through Authorize.net. That drop-down is simply showing in error and will not be connected to recording the transaction. I will work with our engineering team to update this.
posted 2014-08-05 10:54:07 -0700
C.J. MinsterCheng commented on Heartbleed Bug
Daryl, I’m not sure what you are reviewing that says your site is open, but I have confirmed again that our system is secure.
posted 2014-04-10 12:02:28 -0700
C.J. MinsterCheng commented on Editing petition form fields
Adam, address information resides in the same field to encourage people to give as much information as they’re comfortable with. It isn’t possible to separate the field, but customers have found that incomplete contact information is better than no contact info. A one-to-one call from a volunteer or staff member of your organization to complete the address info can be a good opportunity for a secondary ask.
posted 2014-02-03 14:57:49 -0800
C.J. MinsterCheng commented on How do I delete a single person from my nation?
Mark, as you have noticed, we are not as quick to respond to comments left on our website as people expect. There are a couple of reasons you wouldn’t have the ability to delete a person and I’m going to update the answer to reflect those limitations.
Emailing your point person or [email protected] is the fastest way to receive customer support.
posted 2015-02-06 16:40:03 -0800
Emailing your point person or [email protected] is the fastest way to receive customer support.
C.J. MinsterCheng commented on Background images in Aware Theme
The featured content slider is as wide and as tall as your widest and tallest image. We recommend uploading images that are the same width and height. More info is here: http://nationbuilder.com/how_do_featured_content_sliders_work
In the Aware theme, the content sliders are designed to span the breadth of the site. You can create a clone of the theme and adjust this in the theme.scss file. More information on working with themes is available at http://nationbuilder.com/theme_documentation
posted 2014-02-03 16:55:51 -0800
In the Aware theme, the content sliders are designed to span the breadth of the site. You can create a clone of the theme and adjust this in the theme.scss file. More information on working with themes is available at http://nationbuilder.com/theme_documentation
C.J. MinsterCheng commented on Where are the flash.message text strings stored?
That text lives in Settings > Social Media of the vote pledge page. You might also need to update your election settings. Go to Settings > Political > Settings and update the candidate’s name.
posted 2014-03-05 15:46:42 -0800
C.J. MinsterCheng commented on Track relationships and organizations in NationBuilder
Michèle, sending email blasts to role-based email accounts (e.g., info@) is likely to cause blacklisting and/or spam complaints. For this reason, those addresses are removed before an email blast is sent using NationBuilder. I recommend contacting your member organizations and requesting human contacts to include in your email blasts. Make sure to create a separate profile for the person and create a relationship between the person and the organization’s profile.
posted 2015-03-16 15:11:46 -0700
C.J. MinsterCheng commented on How do I edit the Contribution Rules error text?
Michael, is the box at the bottom of the donation form labeled “This person meets the eligibility requirements” checked?
posted 2014-02-04 12:10:54 -0800