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How to change "page_stream" for endorsements page?

I am trying to make some minor changes to how the Endorsements page displays endorsements.  I am trying to figure out how to , for example, expand the maximum number of lines displayed (before "show all") per endorsement, how to add Occupation/Title after the name or the endorser, and how to change or get rid of the "Showing 6 Reactions" and "Following Reactions."  These features all seem to be embedded in the single html statement in the page theme: 

    {% include "page_stream" %}

Can you telll me how to get at "page_stream" and what sort of changes I should make to achieve my goals?


Official response from

First, you need to create a custom theme (if you haven’t already). Next, click Pages > Theme and click on the _page_stream.html template. That will allow you to modify the “Showing x Reactions” header. 

To add the occupation/title after the name of each endorser in the stream, click Pages > Theme > New File and name it activity_endorsement_page.html. That file will be populated with the code you need to alter, which should be pretty clear. To alter the occupation/title for featured endorsers, edit the Endorsement page template.

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