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Widgets: Adding third-party widget

I am trying to add a third-party widget from Popvox by inserting their <iframe> snippet into a page's template. I get this error message: "This widget has been placed on a website ( that is not authorized."

Please advise promptly as this is a major function of a campaign that is very short term and closing in a few weeks. I need this widget posted. Restrictions like this are not friendly to paying customers.


Official response from

Bruce, I am glad Marci from POPVOX was able to connect with you regarding their widget. 

If you need to publish a page on your website to review functionality, but don't want it to be viewable to the public, I suggest go to the Settings portions of the page. Under "who can view this page?" select either control panel users or admins to make it highly restrictive. That way, search engines wont crawl the page until it is publicly viewable and you'll be able to preview the page in full.

For people looking for general information on this topic, please refer to how to embed a widget on your nation's website. 

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