Today we are excited to launch the most significant evolution of the NationBuilder brand since our inception as a company. The full expression of our mission requires an evolution of our visual identity to one that reflects more than just software and encompasses the in-person community building infrastructure we provide.
The logo
The foundation of our new visual language is our new logo. The NationBuilder logo has gone through several iterations over the years, especially in the early days of the company.
The first NationBuilder logo was a playful “community in a box,” complete with virtual skyscrapers and trees. This soon matured into a single simplified geometric building, something more aligned with the gravity of our mission and the important work our customers are doing. Although there were subtle iterations on this version of the logo over the years, such as the inclusion of the octothorpe pattern (also known as the pound or hashtag) in the windows, it has essentially remained the same for the past 5 years.
The new NationBuilder logo
The new NationBuilder logo, with both boldness and simplicity, communicates not only who we’ve become, but also where we’re headed. It sheds the constraints of a physical building into two simple symbols which when combined, can tell many stories relevant to who we are.