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How does "Testing mode" work with each payment processor?

When setting up a payment processor, Stripe, Paypal, Paypal Payflow Pro,, SagePay, eWay Direct, and eWay Rapid all include a "Testing mode" checkbox. How do you set up testing mode for each type of payment processor? 

Official response from

In most cases, the "Testing mode" checkbox in NationBuilder just shows you which of your payment processor accounts are the real version and which ones are for testing. In your Payment processor listing, that will look something like this:

Stripe: Use one of their test credit card numbers

PayPal: Set up a Sandbox account. Under Dashboard > Sandbox > Account, select Profile. On the Account details screen, select
"API Credentials." The Sandbox account credentials provided as the username, API password and Signature - just like you did for your real account:

PayPal Payflow Pro: Similar to the regular PayPal Business account, you'll set up a sandbox account. Like the PayPal accounts, there is also an sandbox. If you attempt a donation when a live account has been set to Test Mode in NationBuilder, you will receive an error message siting invalid credentials.

SagePay: Use one of their test credit card numbers.

eWay Direct or Rapid: You can set up a sandbox account to test your credentials. Alternatively, eWay offers test credit card numbers to test individual transactions.


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