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How do I automate Path Assignment for imported contacts?

We have 3 organizers that import 50 new contacts each once a week into our Nation. I want to be able to automatically assign the 150 contacts that each organizer uploads each week to a path that the organizer is then responsible for completing. 

Is the best way to simply upload the contacts, and then regularly batch update "everyone who's point person is x and has been imported in the last week" to be assigned a path?

Or is there an automated way of doing this? For example:

  1. 3 organizers each collect 50 contacts
  2. 3 organizers enter data into .csv file which includes themselves as a "point person" as a field
  3. 3 organizers upload .csv file into Nation Builder
  4. NationBuilder automatically assigns new uploaded contacts to a path (i.e. step 1: Follow up Call, Step 2: Ask to Volunteer...). Organizers (point persons) are responsible for said path.
  5. Organizing Director can now track their follow up through Nation Builder, and never let anyone fall through the cracks.

I can't imagine that I'm the only one who is trying to do this. I'm happy with a work around or another solution that allows me to automate this process. Is there any way to do something like this?

Official response from

This currently isn't possible but I added it as an official suggestion 'Assign someone to a path on import'

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