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How to add additional custom fields to email blasts

I am wanting to send an email blast with additional data fields in the email (not just first name).

For intance - I want to merge in the mobile number of each of the folks so that I can ask them to update their details if it is wrong or if we do not have it...?


PS - We have {[no number]/[xxxx xxx xxx]} on our records. Please reply to this email to update your number or click here


Is it possible to make certain form componets compulsory? Such as postcode? 

This would be usefull on the volunteer page as well, as we would like to ask people for their address as a matter of course.

But it is crucial that we get postcode/zip code so we can identify where they live as it changes the way we manage our outrreach to them. I notice that dontation pages allow compulsory componsents...


Official response from

Hello Kajute,

Here is a link to the variables available in emails: If you'd like to request new variables, we encourage you to add a feature request here.

Action pages like the "signup" form, "petition", and "pledge" only require someone provides an email address to submit. This is done to maximize conversion rates and currently there are no plans to change that. Other forms, depending on their purpose, do let you make certain fields available or required. In the case of Events, for example, you are able to require a phone number or address from RSVPs. You can also add a feature request if you'd like the ability to require fields on these forms. 





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