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Exports "Create/Run" endpoint won't work

I can't seem to get the Exports Create/Run endpoint working through either the API explorer or actual calls from code. I am adding the following json to the request body:

    "export": {
        "context": "people"

and adding the list_id to the query string but all I get in response is HTTP 406 (Not acceptable). Am I doing something wrong?

Additionally, the API explorer doesn't allow you to provide a value of the list_id parameter for this endpoint.

Official response from

Hi Kevin,

Thank you for letting us know about this - there's was an issue with the API Explorer that has now been resolved.

The url for the request for an export should be POST with the request body as you had specified in JSON.


curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" 'https://<slug><list_id>/exports?access_token=<access_token>' --data '{"export":{"context":"people"}}'



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