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CApture registration data to Note field

When I add information to someone's profile in the "Background" section, and then export that profile, the information I entered appears in a field called "Note" in the CSV.

Is there a way I can add a field to a form which would allow a supporter to enter their own background information (i.e. a short bio, special skills, etc) upon registration and have it populate the "Note" field automatically?

Many thanks.

Official response from

When someone is logged into your nation, they can update their bio information by clicking the "account settings" link in the footer of the page.

You can also add a link to a supporter's account settings page in any page. Note that a person has to be logged in for these links to work.

Adding a link to a supporter's Account Settings on a page template

This is code that can be placed in a page template:

<a href="{{ request.current_signup.settings_url }}">Your call to action blurb, like: Set your fundraising goal!</a>

Please note: this code won't work if it is placed in the content editor pane. It must be placed under that page's Template tab.

Adding a link to a supporter's Account Settings on an email blast or auto-response 

If you want to take new signups to their own account settings page to set up their fundraising goal with a targeted email blast or an auto-response, below are instructions: 

<a href="{{ }}forms/signups/{{}}/edit">Your call to action blurb, like: Set your fundraising goal!</a>

This is an example of what can be added into the body of an email. The code will need to be placed using the HTML button in the content editor pane.

Additional information on having people use their profile page as a personal fundraising page can be found in this FAQ:

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