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Pagination options?

I'd like increase the number of posts per page. Is there some sort of option that I can add to this line, and others like it?

  {{ page.suggestion_box.most_recent_suggestions | paginate }}

Same issue on streams:
            {{ page.activity_stream.activities_following | paginate }}

In reviewing various flavors of Liquid documentation, I've seen :per_page, and paginate.page_size, but so far, no success.

I'm sure there are other pagination options that could also be documented, as well, for instance:


In general, I'm interested in reducing mouse clicks, the primary current motivation for this inquiry.

Expanding on this question, a bit, it would also be helpful to have more documentation on all of the template variable filters.

Official response from

For blogs, there is a setting in the control panel for the number of posts you want to display.  

Aside from that, there isn't any way to adjust the number of items included in a page.

There are a couple of options on the paginate filter itself: {{ page.activity_stream.activities_following | paginate 'anchor', 'Previous', 'Next' }}

'anchor' will add an anchor tag called whatever you want to the pagination. The other two change the names of the links for previous and next.

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