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In 2024, NationBuilder was used by campaigns, political parties, and advocacy efforts in a third of the world’s elections, powering voter engagement in 60 countries and reaching over 66 million people.

Over 3 billion people had the opportunity to cast their ballots in 2024, the biggest election year in human history. Leaders used NationBuilder to organize, advocate, and get out the vote in 60 countries—including nearly half of the countries in the European Parliament elections—and in political landscapes ranging from established democracies to emerging electoral systems.

Our mission is to help get the tools of democracy into the hands of millions of people, and we are incredibly proud that in 2024 NationBuilder was used to: 

  • Power voter engagement in 60 countries
  • Reach over 66 million voters 
  • Send over 3.26 billion emails and texts  
  • Raise more than $330 million in grassroots fundraising

Just as important to us as serving a truly global base of leaders and organizations is our founding commitment to keeping our software available and affordable for anyone who needs it. In 2024, our customers ranged from small-town candidates—sometimes personally using NationBuilder to manage their own campaigns—all the way up to nationwide networks with hundreds of staff and volunteers logging in every day. 

Whether it was in the provincial elections in Saskatchewan, the snap election in France, or a race for school board in your hometown, a NationBuilder customer almost certainly had an impact on your life this past year. So to the journalists who called Taylor Swift “the greatest community organizer in the world,” we say (with no disrespect to Taylor!): you’ve clearly never met our customers.

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