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Survey Pages API

Use the Survey Pages API to interface with surveys stored in NationBuilder

Index Endpoint

Retrieve a paginated list of existing surveys

GET /api/v1/sites/:site_slug/pages/surveys


  • limit - max number of results to show in one page of results (default 10, max 100).
  • __nonce - generated pagination nonce. Do not modify.
  • __token - generated pagination token. Do not modify.



You will receive a response with status 200 and this data:

  "next": "/api/v1/sites/foobar/pages/surveys?__nonce=3OUjEzI6iyybc1F3sk6YrQ&__token=ADGvBW9wM69kUiss1KqTIyVeQ5M6OwiL6ttexRFnHK9m",
  "prev": null,
  "results": [
      "id": 1,
      "slug": "survey",
      "site_slug": "foobar",
      "name": "Survey",
      "status": "published",
      "questions": [
          "id": 1,
          "prompt": "What issue is more important to you?",
          "external_id": null,
          "slug": "important_issue",
          "type": "multiple",
          "status": "published",
          "choices": [
              "id": 2,
              "name": "Daily mail service to all homes. Yeah right....",
              "feedback": "really now...?"
              "id": 3,
              "name": "Opposition to any change in our naturalization laws",
              "feedback": null
              "id": 9,
              "name": "foobar",
              "feedback": "foobar"
              "id": 1,
              "name": "Kansas should be admitted as a state",
              "feedback": null
          "id": 4,
          "prompt": "Do you support high speed trains to the sea?",
          "external_id": null,
          "slug": "trains2",
          "type": "multiple",
          "status": "published",
          "choices": [
              "id": 10,
              "name": "Yes, it is urgently needed.",
              "feedback": null
              "id": 11,
              "name": "Maybe, if it doesn't cost an arm and a leg.",
              "feedback": null
              "id": 12,
              "name": "No, I never even go to the sea.",
              "feedback": null
      "status": "published"

Create Endpoint

Creates a survey page with the attributes and questions provided.

POST /api/v1/sites/:site_slug/pages/surveys


  • slug - the path at which to place the page. Must be unique, and there are some restrictions for namespace collisions. (Optional- will be computed from name if not present)
  • status - published, unlisted, or hidden depending on whether you want to page to be available immediately (required)
  • tags - an array of tags to add to a person who responds to this survey (optional)
  • author_id - the NationBuilder id author of the blog (optional)
  • name - internal name, how the page will be referred to in lists in the control panel (required)
  • title - Title of the page, shows up as tab name, for example (optional, defaults to the name)
  • headline - Heading on the page (optional, defaults to the name)
  • excerpt - meta attribute for SEO - description (optional)
  • external_id - the unique identifier for this resource in an external service (optional)
  • questions - array of question resources that represent the questions to ask when a person takes the survey
    • prompt - (required) the question string
    • external_id - (optional) an external identification string for this question
    • tags - (optional) array of tags to add to people who respond (in the case of yes/no questions, to add to those that answer 'yes')
    • no_tags - (optional) array of tags to add to people who respond "no" if this is a yes/no question
    • type - (required) the type of response the question expects (multiple for multiple choice, yes_no for a yes/no question, text for a free response question)
    • status - (required) unlisted, hidden, or published
    • slug - (required) url portion to represent this question, this must be unique across all your nation's survey questions
    • choices - Choices available for a multiple choice question
      • name - (required) the string for the choice
      • tags - (optional) array of tags to add to a person who chooses this option
      • feedback - (optional) feedback to show to the user if this choice is selected



Request Body

  "survey": {
    "slug": "survey",
    "name": "Survey",
    "tags": ["funny"],
    "questions": [{
      "prompt": "What issue is more important to you?",
      "external_id": null,
      "slug": "important_issue",
      "type": "multiple",
      "status": "published",
      "choices": [{
        "name": "Daily mail service to all homes. Yeah right....",
        "feedback": "really now...?"
      }, {
        "name": "Opposition to any change in our naturalization laws",
        "feedback": null
      }, {
        "name": "foobar",
        "feedback": "foobar"
      }, {
        "name": "Kansas should be admitted as a state",
        "feedback": null

Please note that questions and choice ordering will match the request's ordering.

You will receive a response of status code 200 and a body like this:

  "survey": {
    "id": 5,
    "slug": "survey",
    "status": "hidden",
    "site_slug": "foobar",
    "name": "Survey",
    "headline": null,
    "title": null,
    "excerpt": null,
    "author_id": null,
    "external_id": null,
    "tags": ["funny"],
    "questions": [
        "id": 9,
        "prompt": "What issue is more important to you?",
        "slug": "important_issue",
        "type": "multiple",
        "status": "published",
        "choices": [
            "id": 3,
            "name": "Daily mail service to all homes. Yeah right....",
            "feedback": "really now...?"
            "id": 4,
            "name": "Opposition to any change in our naturalization laws",
            "feedback": null
            "id": 5,
            "name": "foobar",
            "feedback": "foobar"
            "id": 6,
            "name": "Kansas should be admitted as a state",
            "feedback": null

Update Endpoint

PUT /api/v1/sites/foobar/pages/surveys/:id



Request Body

  "survey": {
    "slug": "survey",
    "site_slug": "foobar",
    "name": "Survey",
    "tags": ["funny"],
    "questions": [{
      "prompt": "Are you a political junkie?",
      "type": "yes_no",
      "slug": "politics_junk",
      "status": "published"
    }, {
      "id": 9,
      "prompt": "What issue is more important to you?",
      "slug": "important_issue",
      "type": "multiple",
      "status": "published",
      "choices": [{
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Daily mail service to all homes. Yeah right....",
        "feedback": "really now...?"
      }, {
        "id": 4,
        "name": "Opposition to any change in our naturalization laws",
        "feedback": null
      }, {
        "id": 6,
        "name": "Kansas should be admitted as a state",
        "feedback": null

Note: When updating a survey, Nested resources such as questions and choices are updated, created, or deleted according to the following rules:

  • Existing nested resources not mentioned in the response body will be deleted.
  • Nested resource is updated if an id attribute is supplied and the nested resource is found in your nation's database.
  • If a nested resource has an id attribute specified but is not found in your nation's database, the API call will fail and respond with status code 404.
  • The nested resource is created if no id attribute is supplied.

You will get a response with code 200 like this:

  "survey": {
    "id": 5,
    "slug": "survey",
    "status": "hidden",
    "site_slug": "foobar",
    "name": "Survey",
    "headline": null,
    "title": null,
    "excerpt": null,
    "author_id": null,
    "external_id": null,
    "tags": ["funny"],
    "questions": [
        "id": 10,
        "prompt": "Are you a political junkie?",
        "external_id": null,
        "slug": "politics_junk",
        "type": "yes_no",
        "status": "published",
        "choices": [

        "id": 9,
        "prompt": "What issue is more important to you?",
        "external_id": null,
        "slug": "important_issue",
        "type": "multiple",
        "status": "published",
        "choices": [
            "id": 3,
            "name": "Daily mail service to all homes. Yeah right....",
            "feedback": "really now...?"
            "id": 4,
            "name": "Opposition to any change in our naturalization laws",
            "feedback": null
            "id": 6,
            "name": "Kansas should be admitted as a state",
            "feedback": null

Destroy Endpoint

Destroy the survey provided. This does not destroy the associated questions.

DELETE /api/v1/sites/:site_slug/pages/surveys/:id

Survey Response Index Endpoint

List survey responses, ordered by their creation time.

GET /api/v1/survey_responses


  • limit - max number of results to show in one page of results (default 10, max 100).
  • __nonce - generated pagination nonce. Do not modify.
  • __token - generated pagination token. Do not modify.
  • start_time - starting time for results, in unix time
  • end_time - ending time for results, also in unix time
  • survey_id - scope the responses to just those made for a specific survey


  "next": "/api/v1/survey_responses?__nonce=3OUjEzI6iyybc1F3sk6YrQ&__token=ADGvBW9wM69kUiss1KqTIyVeQ5M6OwiL6ttexRFnHK9m",
  "prev": null,
  "results": [
      "id": 2,
      "survey_id": 3,
      "person_id": 17738,
      "question_responses": [
          "id": 4,
          "response": "yes",
          "question_id": 4
      "id": 1,
      "survey_id": 1,
      "person_id": 1,
      "created_at": "2013-07-24T08:38:08-07:00",
      "updated_at": "2013-07-24T08:38:08-07:00",
      "question_responses": [
          "id": 1,
          "response": 2,
          "question_id": 1
          "id": 2,
          "response": 4,
          "question_id": 2
          "id": 3,
          "response": 7,
          "question_id": 3

Survey Response Creation Endpoint

Use this endpoint to register the responses a person has to a survey. The answers will be attached to their profile page.

Note: Answering questions requires the surveyed person to have a first name and last name recorded. If the person record does not have this information attached, a validation error will be returned from this call.

POST /api/v1/survey_responses


Survey Response Parameters

  • survey_id - id of the survey the person answered
  • person_id - id of the person who answered the survey
  • question_responses - an array of objects representing the responses to individual questions that the surveyed person provided

Question Response Parameters

  • question_id - id of the question being answered
  • response - the response provided to the question. Response can be a string or id. Please Note: If the survey question being responded to is a multiple choice question, the response will be the choice with the id provided. If the question is a text question, the response will be stored as the provided string.


  "survey_response": {
    "survey_id": 1,
    "person_id": 19,
    "question_responses": [{
      "question_id": 12093814098,
      "response": 3
    }, {
      "question_id": 12093814099,
      "response": "No way man, that isn't cool"
    }, {
      "question_id": 12093814100,
      "response": "yes"

The survey response will be made, and you should receive a response with status 200 and body like this:

  "survey_response": {
    "id": 3014",
    "survey_id": 1,
    "person_id": 19,
    "question_responses": [{
      "id": 12497,
      "question_id": 12093814098,
      "response": 3
    }, {
      "id": 12498,
      "question_id": 12093814099,
      "response": "No way man, that isn't cool"
    }, {
      "id": 12499,
      "question_id": 12093814100,
      "response": "yes"